Leonid Savin

Geopolitical analyst, Chief editor of Geopolitika.ru (from 2008), founder and chief editor of Journal of Eurasian Affairs; head of the administration of International "Eurasian movement". Former Chief editor of Katehon site and magazine.

Director of the Foundation of monitoring and forecasting of development for the cultural-territorial spaces (FMPRKTP).

Member of the Military-scientific society of the Ministry of Defence of Russia.

Author of numerous books on geopolitics, conflicts, international relations and political philosophy issued in Russia, UK, Spain, Iran, Brazil, Italy, Serbia and Ukraine.

Author publications

Title Datesort ascending Language
Venezuela - Guyana: een territoriaal conflict 04.01.2024 Dutch
Human Rights: Russia vs West 04.01.2024 English
Venezuela - Guyana: Territorialer Konflikt 04.01.2024 German
Pourquoi l'Inde, la Chine et la Russie s'opposent-elles aux projets visant à tripler les énergies renouvelables? 01.01.2024 French
Warum Indien, China und Russland gegen Pläne zur Verdreifachung der erneuerbaren Energien sind 01.01.2024 German
Waarom India, China en Rusland tegen plannen zijn om hernieuwbare energie te verdrievoudigen 01.01.2024 Dutch
Il fascismo allora e oggi 01.01.2024 Italian
La Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici 29.12.2023 Italian
O Referendo Venezuelano 29.12.2023 Portuguese, Brazil
La “lobby dell'Armageddon”: come i sionisti cristiani influenzano la politica statunitense 27.12.2023 Italian
Referendum in Venezuela 25.12.2023 Italian
200 anos da Doutrina Monroe 22.12.2023 Portuguese, Brazil
Aanval van "vijfde colonnes": de VS bereiden een nieuwe reeks "kleurenrevoluties" voor 22.12.2023 Dutch
Angriff der "fünften Kolonnen": Die USA bereiten eine neue Serie von "Farbrevolutionen" vor 22.12.2023 German
Attaque des "cinquièmes colonnes": les États-Unis préparent une nouvelle série de "révolutions de couleur" 22.12.2023 French
El fascismo entonces y ahora 19.12.2023 Spanish
Gaza: la guerra dei tunnel 18.12.2023 Italian
200 Jahre Monroe-Doktrin 15.12.2023 German
200 jaar van de Monroe Doctrine 15.12.2023 Dutch
200 anni di Dottrina Monroe 15.12.2023 Italian
“Armageddon lobbi”: A keresztény cionisták így alakítják az amerikai politikát 15.12.2023 Hungarian
Les 200 ans de la doctrine Monroe 13.12.2023 French
As Ambições Informacionais Globais do Pentágono 11.12.2023 Portuguese, Brazil
Gaza: The Tunnel War 08.12.2023 English
Le ambizioni informative globali del Pentagono 08.12.2023 Italian
