
MEK’s New Project in Its Primary Political Hub: An Analysis

Figure 1: Iran's secret Atomic Warehouse was a carpet cleaning company
Figure 1: Iran's secret Atomic Warehouse was a carpet cleaning company

The terrorist MEK organization, formally known as the People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), has played a controversial role in the political arena related to Iran. Over the years, this organization has orchestrated various campaigns to destabilize the Iranian government and attract the support of international powers. The latest efforts of the MEK, after its previous project failures in France and Albania, have shifted to Berlin.

How The US And Israel Are Exterminating The 2.3 Million Gazans


The United States supplies virtually all of the weapons and ammunition as well as satellite intelligence to guide the bombers and the gunmen, and Israel supplies the troops. The killing is being carried out not only by bombs and guns etc., but by Israel’s blocking food, medicine, and other lifesaving supplies into Gaza, in order to starve the 2.3 million people there to death.

The End of American Hegemony How the World is Rebuilding a New Multipolar Order

The End of American Hegemony How the World is Rebuilding a New Multipolar Order

Today, the world stands at a crossroads—a dangerous yet transformative moment—marked by the collapse of traditional power structures and the emergence of a multipolar world order. This transformation is not merely a matter of geopolitical reorganization; it signifies a break from decades of Western domination, especially by the United States and its key allies, and offers an opportunity for historically oppressed peoples to rise and align with the ascending powers in global politics.