Leonid Savin

Geopolitical analyst, Chief editor of Geopolitika.ru (from 2008), founder and chief editor of Journal of Eurasian Affairs; head of the administration of International "Eurasian movement". Former Chief editor of Katehon site and magazine.

Director of the Foundation of monitoring and forecasting of development for the cultural-territorial spaces (FMPRKTP).

Member of the Military-scientific society of the Ministry of Defence of Russia.

Author of numerous books on geopolitics, conflicts, international relations and political philosophy issued in Russia, UK, Spain, Iran, Brazil, Italy, Serbia and Ukraine.

Author publications

Title Datesort ascending Language
De geopolitiek van energienetwerken 16.03.2023 Dutch
Die Geopolitik der Energienetze 16.03.2023 German
Il terremoto in Turchia in un contesto geopolitico (Parte 2) 10.03.2023 Italian
Memória de Hugo Chávez 06.03.2023 Portuguese, Brazil
Il terremoto in Turchia in un contesto geopolitico Parte 1 03.03.2023 Italian
Memoria De Hugo Chávez 02.03.2023 Spanish
Le tremblement de terre en Turquie dans un contexte géopolitique 27.02.2023 French
El significado del 24 de febrero para Cuba y Rusia 23.02.2023 Spanish
El contexto geopolítico del terremoto en Turquía 23.02.2023 Spanish
Aardbeving in Turkije in een geopolitieke context 23.02.2023 Dutch
Erdbeben in der Türkei in einem geopolitischen Kontext 23.02.2023 German
Kelet-Közép-Európa megkerülhetetlensége, avagy miért kell a térség a NATO-nak (II. rész) 21.02.2023 Hungarian
As “Pacíficas” Intervenções dos EUA, parte 2 21.02.2023 Portuguese, Brazil
L'Europa orientale nell'ottica politica e militare (Parte 2) 21.02.2023 Italian
L'Europa orientale nell'ottica politica e militare (Parte 1) 20.02.2023 Italian
Kelet-Közép-Európa megkerülhetetlensége, avagy miért kell a térség a NATO-nak (I. rész) 19.02.2023 Hungarian
Eastern Europe In Political And Military Optics (II) 17.02.2023 English
Eastern Europe In Political And Military Optics (I) 16.02.2023 English
Gli Stati Uniti rafforzano la loro presenza nel sud-est asiatico 14.02.2023 Italian
U.S. Strengthens Presence In Southeast Asia 10.02.2023 English
La lucha por el Ártico se intensifica (III parte y final) 10.02.2023 Spanish
A Luta pelo Ártico se Intensifica 07.02.2023 Portuguese, Brazil
As intervenções “pacíficas” dos EUA, parte 1 06.02.2023 Portuguese, Brazil
La lucha por el Ártico se intensifica (II parte) 03.02.2023 Spanish
Gli interventi "pacifici" degli Stati Uniti 24.01.2023 Italian
