
The Philosophy of Transhumanism

The Philosophy of Transhumanism

Humans unjustly occupy fifty per cent of ontology; objects must be brought back to the forefront. This demand is a central part of the philosophical school of object-oriented ontology (abbreviated as OOO). The father of this materialistic school of thought, created in 1999 (initially as object-oriented philosophy), is Graham Harman (b. 1968), an American Heideggerian philosopher strongly influenced by Quentin Meillassoux. But what is object-oriented ontology? Why does it represent the newest stage in the development of the radically immanent ideology as part of the Cybelian Logos1? And why does it form a theoretical foundation for the thought structure of transhumanism?

Russia is Nothing: On an Existential Understanding of History

Russia is Nothing: On an Existential Understanding of History

Today we have gathered to honor the late Daria Dugina and to reflect on her untimely passing. I would like to begin my talk with a short historiosophical discussion on the subject of very relevant events, the deaths, not only of Daria, but also of many others. The death last night of the first and last president of the Soviet Union was the subject of a lot of postings. Our mutual friend, the writer Vladimir Kovalenko, said that when Gorbachev died, the 20th century ended and the 21st century began. And I have had this feeling over the last six months that people who had no place in the future are really dying, people from the past are dying. The last convulsions of the modern age will be at an end. This can be seen in the example of public figures.

Eurasian Cosmic Cartography

Eurasian Cosmic Cartography

Certainly one of the most unique and challenging works of this year is the complex esoteric-philosophical-political treatise by the Italian Xantio Ansprandi, Eurasian Universism: Sinitic Orientations for Rethinking the Western Logos (PRAV Publishing), which, as its subtitle suggests, draws ”Sinitic orientations” for a Eurasian cosmic map that is emerging from the shadows of the Western philosophical tradition.

Associations and Reflections around Tradition and Future Shock

Associations and Reflections around Tradition and Future Shock

What makes technogenic civilization and the era of Modernity and Postmodernity so attractive to the ordinary person, to the overwhelming majority? Why do they assume such to be the pinnacle reached by mankind, and drawing on the “indubitable” ideas of progress and evolution, why do they draw out its prospects to even greater, happy heights, in contrast to the point of view expressed in this book, Tradition and Future Shock: Visions of a Future that Isn’t Ours, according to which these heights are but nightmarish abysses and infernal darkness?

Mircea Eliade: Sacred and Existential Politics

Mircea Eliade: Sacred and Existential Politics

Preparing this report... In fact, it was Dasha (Daria Dugina) who had invited me to come and get involved in the Council. She suggested that I talk about Luciano Blaga, because Alexander Dugin had talked about him in the context of the Fourth Way and existential politics. But I decided to make a report on Eliade, although for some reason it seemed unexpected and fortunately is in the context of the topic brought up by Nikita Syundyukov. And it seems to me now that the report and the subject it deals with have become, to put it immodestly, somewhat practical, but for some reason it has also dealt with these subjects: sacrifice, Easter, somehow, history... So let's get down to the report itself. I assume Daria is supposed to be mentioned at the end of the report without any special dedications to her at the beginning, since it turned out that the entire report was actually dedicated to her.

Metaphysics of War

Metaphysics of War

Today I would like to share my views on the metaphysics of war and the philosophical comprehension of what is happening. Without such comprehension, we will not be able to grasp the full depth of the current confrontation. It goes without saying that I am carefully watching the information space, commenting on it live. However, today I would like to have a look at the current events from a philosophical perspective.

Eschatological Optimism: Origins, Evolution, Main Directions

Eschatological Optimism: Origins, Evolution, Main Directions

The topic of eschatological optimism is a rather dangerous and complex topic. It is dangerous because it has never been developed up to this point, it is fraught with many traps, many inaccuracies. When I was trying to prepare for today's lecture, I realized that although such a hypothesis of eschatological optimism can explain many historical and philosophical processes, give them content and additional dimensions, additional context and depth, there are still a lot of questions.

Noomachy - Wars of the Minds: War as an application for the genuine philosophy

Noomachy - Wars of the Minds: War as an application for the genuine philosophy

In the Greek Orthodox tradition, churches that are dedicated to Sophia the Divine Wisdom have their patronal festival on the day of Mid-Pentecost. It means that today is truly a day of philosophy, truly a day of the Divine Wisdom, which our ancestors, our founding fathers handed down to us. As you know, in the Divine Liturgy, there is a priestly exclamation: "Wisdom! Arise!" Sometimes our theologians and philosophers try to contrast divine wisdom with human wisdom. But in the original Greek text of the liturgy, the word 'Sophia' is used. Sophia refers to both meanings of wisdom: divine wisdom and human wisdom. These two meanings do not totally coincide, but, at the same time, they are not in opposition.