alexander bovdunov

Mircea Eliade: Sacred and Existential Politics

Mircea Eliade: Sacred and Existential Politics

Preparing this report... In fact, it was Dasha (Daria Dugina) who had invited me to come and get involved in the Council. She suggested that I talk about Luciano Blaga, because Alexander Dugin had talked about him in the context of the Fourth Way and existential politics. But I decided to make a report on Eliade, although for some reason it seemed unexpected and fortunately is in the context of the topic brought up by Nikita Syundyukov. And it seems to me now that the report and the subject it deals with have become, to put it immodestly, somewhat practical, but for some reason it has also dealt with these subjects: sacrifice, Easter, somehow, history... So let's get down to the report itself. I assume Daria is supposed to be mentioned at the end of the report without any special dedications to her at the beginning, since it turned out that the entire report was actually dedicated to her.

Geopolitical significance of the Battle of Molodi and the Special Military Operation


In the days from 9 July to 2 August 2022, the 450th anniversary of the victory of the Russian army in the battle of Molodi occurs. In its meaning, this battle is comparable to the battle for Moscow in the Great Patriotic War. At least that's how the greatest contemporary specialist of the Russian Middle Ages, the historian Dmitry Volodikhin, considers it. As in 1941, in 1572 the very existence and geopolitical future of the Russian state was at stake. Now in the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, the stakes are just as high.