Shaban Syed

Author publications

Title Datesort ascending Language
İran'ın İsraı̇l'e Saldırısı Arap Lı̇derlerı̇n Fı̇lı̇stı̇nlı̇lerı̇n Haklarını Feda Eden Suç Ortaklığını Ortaya Çıkarıyor 14.05.2024 Turkish
Iran's attack on Israel exposes Arab leaders’ complicity sacrificing the rights of the Palestinians 07.05.2024 English
Rilasciare Imran Khan, evitare la destabilizzazione e un'altra scusa per la Legge Marziale 12.03.2024 Italian
Release Imran Khan, avoid destabilisation and another excuse for Marshall Law 01.03.2024 English
“Eliminating” Imran Khan, delaying Elections, Marshal Law in Pakistan - which one will it be? 15.03.2023 English
Milioni di rifugiati, sostituzione dei bianchi, razze miste: la “reingegnerizzazione della vita” secondo gli oligarchi globalisti 23.12.2022 Italian
Millions of refugees, White replacement, Mixed races, the “re-engineering of life” according to Globalist Oligarchs 22.12.2022 English
Rabbi’s speech a blueprint for Ukraine war, de-population, enforced vaccines, Palestinians, and Slavs in reservation camps 24.10.2022 English
“Ya Hussain” ha ispirato Soleimani e continua ad ispirare i gruppi di resistenza che combattono l’ISIS, Israele e le incessanti guerre degli Stati Uniti 30.08.2022 Italian
“Ya Hussain” inspired Soleimani and continuing to inspire resistance groups fighting, ISIS, Israel, and US’s incessant wars 23.08.2022 English
La caccia di Israele all’Imam Mahdi, l’Iran e la guerra in Ucraina? 15.07.2022 Italian
Israel’s hunt for Imam Mahdi, Iran, and the War in Ukraine? 14.07.2022 English
Putin and Russian Philosopher Dugin destroy the Globalist plan for NWO in Ukraine 23.06.2022 English
Perché il Sud globale non dovrebbe sostenere la guerra nazista dei suprematisti bianchi in Ucraina 13.06.2022 Italian
Why Global South should not support the Nazis White Supremacist War in Ukraine 13.06.2022 English
I patrioti “Assolutamente no” contro gli “Assolutamente sì” 30.05.2022 Italian
The “Absolutely not” patriots versus the “Absolutely Yes” 28.05.2022 English
While US destroys through incessant wars, China builds Economies 17.05.2022 English
Il colpo di stato contro Imran Khan, la guerra in Ucraina e la Belt and Road Initiative 15.04.2022 Italian
Regime Change Coup against Imran Khan, Ukraine War and Belt Road Initiative 14.04.2022 English
Despite US efforts to derail the Beijing Olympics – It was business as usual for China and its allies 17.02.2022 English
Il vertice sul clima fa di India e Cina capri espiatori ignorando “l'esercito americano come il più grande inquinatore della Storia” 05.12.2021 Italian
Climate Summit scapegoats India and China ignoring “the U.S. military as the largest climate polluters in history” 30.11.2021 English
L'”antiterrorismo” di Washington in Afghanistan includerà l'utilizzo dell'ISIS per creare instabilità regionale? 15.09.2021 Italian
