Rabbi’s speech a blueprint for Ukraine war, de-population, enforced vaccines, Palestinians, and Slavs in reservation camps
What if one said that Covid was part of an enforced untested vaccination program to limit world population or that the Ukraine war was planned out in 1994 by an influential Rabbi viewed by Jews globally as a Messiah, who advocated: “We will return to this territory and build the Great Khazaria – the Jewish state –on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out”.
Before firing accusations of antisemitism, one should examine a famous speech made by Chabad Leader Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, in 1994. The Rabbi’s speech published later in a letter in 2001 is a blueprint of how the hidden hand of global Zionism has manipulated world organisations from UN, IMF to NGOs with the end goal to destroy the family, corrupt the youth, de-populate the planet, destroy any resistance to the establishment of greater Israel and Jewish power.
Hugo Chavez had stated that “The greatest threat looming over our planet, the hegemonistic pretentions of the American Empire are placing at risk the very survival of the human species.” However, if he had been more specific, he should have said ‘the greatest threat looming over the planet is the American Empire led by Global Zionism.’
A fact blatantly affirmed by Ariel Sharon who boasted in 2001 “don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.” While as far back as a 1980 interview Netanyahu confidently stated: “We control the Senate, Congress and a record strong Jewish lobby….”
Apparently the “Modern Age is the Jewish Age--and we are all, to varying degrees, Jews” declares Yuri Slezkine in The Jewish Century, detailing the success of Jews.
One does wonder how a small minority can wield such immense power which includes the US Congress, UK, and European and political establishments, while the Rothschilds federal Reserve banking cartel control global finance.
However, there is as they say method to this madness, the foundations of this Jewish power were laid centuries ago as Karl Marx noted “The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power but also because…money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations.”
Which explains why politicians in US and UK are clamouring to ingratiate themselves to Zionist lobbies declaring they are Zionists and love Israel, President Biden, ex-President Trump, UK Prime minister Liz Truss, ex- Prime minster Boris Johnson, Teresa May and Labour leader Keith Stammer. Stammer whose wife is Jewish is firm that no criticism of Israel will be accepted, while he ignores how a “hierarchy of racism discriminated against its Black, Asian and Muslim members” as Al Jazeera’s Labour Files exposed.
These self-proclaimed Zionists are so impressed by the way Israeli police and IDF kill and murder Palestinians that they encouraged the Israelification of their police force by sending them to Israel to ‘learn the art’. However, this practice may be conducted less conspicuously, after videos emerged of similarities between Israeli police throttling Palestinians with their knees so they could not breathe in the same way George Floyd was held down and murdered.
While books like ‘The Israeli Century’ attempt to promote the qualities of Zionism, it cannot whitewash the reality of this fascist ideology which according to a prominent Palestinian journalist Laith Marouf who Israeli supporters in Washington are attempting to silence “ is Jewish white supremacy… a Settler project to Colonize Palestine with European citizens…. to create an Imperialist beachhead colony that perpetually causes war in Western Asia and North Africa…” The crimes of Zionism is detailed in a book by Hans Myrebro titled ‘They created bloody 20th Century’ a critical review of Zionist power and German moral guilt relief.
Now it appears this ‘Jewish Age’ wants Eurasia and in particular Ukraine, and in the process spark WW111. The US is expecting the global south not to be alarmed at NATO conducting ‘Operation Steadfast’ with 30 countries participating armed with nuclear weapons 625 miles from Russia; after it had already conducted a regime change operation in Ukraine led by a group of prominent Jews which included US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.
What’s baffling for those fed on a diet of how ‘Nazis killed six million Jews and were therefore to be reviled,’ to see that now US is funding Neo Nazis white supremacists with billions of dollars and weaponry. What’s even more baffling was that these Nazis’ are being led by Jewish leaders who the US installed from President Zelensky to “Ihor Kolomoyskyi, Oleksandr Yaroslavsky, and Zvi Hirsch—who changed his name, like many Jews do — to Gennadiy Boholyubov”.
For those who follow the western media’s narrative that war in Ukraine is about “evil” Putin wanting to pursue expansionist goals, it may come as a surprise that the war in Ukraine, like the wars in the Middle East is about establishing Greater Israel, as predicted, and planned by the revered Rabbi Schneerson, who died in 1994.
The Rabbi’s hate filled speech of how to take back Ukraine and destroy Russia stated: “Looking back in history… these lands are the ancient ancestral lands of the Jewish Khazaria, that is Israel, captured by Kiev’s Rus’ in the tenth century. The Slavs are temporary guests on these lands…. We will return this territory and build the Great Khazaria – the Jewish state –on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out. Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive Slavic cattle out far to the north, beyond Moscow into Indian style reservations.”
To those critics who argue that there is no authenticity to the fact that the Rabbi had put such a plan forward. Ukraine’s Jewish President Voldymir Zelensky confirmed the validity of the plan, when he told reporters that he and NATO were aiming to transform post-war Ukraine into ‘a big Israel’ which means Greater Israel. According to Alex Rubinstein’s article within the next 48 hours of Zelensky’s statement, Atlantic Council linked to NATO and Israel had an article on how it’s important to support the war in Ukraine as it can be “a hyper-militarized NATO bastion whose national identity would be defined by its ability to project US power against Russia”. In other words, the same argument Zionists used to extract billions from the Americans to support Israel as a bastion of power against Islam and Arab countries.
To establish a Jewish state in Ukraine the Rabbi says: “we will use our old method: Divide and conquer…. A Ukrainian will think that he is fighting against an expansionist Russia, fighting for his independence, will think that he has finally found his freedom, while he is completely dependent on us.”
He states: “In the media – on radio, television, print, in art, literature, theatre, cinema – we will gradually supplant national cadres, replacing them with ours or, in extreme cases, cosmopolitan ones.”
The Rabbi states the methods of conquest will not at all be military, but “ideological and economic, with the use of power structures,” by which he means the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), World Bank, the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Klaus Schwab Chairman of WEF exemplified this “use of power structures” when he said, “What we are very proud of now is how we penetrate the Cabinets around the world”.
The Rabbi boasts how Jews control the UN when he says: “We have made this international body the weapon of our aspirations to seize power over "all kingdoms and peoples.” “It is not for nothing that the UN General Assembly in 1975 adopted a resolution in which it defined Zionism as the most notorious "form of racism and racial discrimination", but because of our victorious march throughout the planet in 1992, it cancelled this decision.
He points out that “The president is a screen… popularly elected (and we will forge electoral procedures so that everything seems legitimate) …. he will put our people at the head …. And we will pull these strings…”
This “pulling of strings” can be witnessed in the case of Jeffrey Epstein trafficking sex slaves. Philip Giraldi writes there is no other viable explanation as to why Epstein filmed prominent politicians and celebrities having sex with young girls. “Recruiting and running American movers and shakers like Bill Clinton… former Governor Bill Richardson, or former Senator George Mitchell are precisely the types of “agents of influence” that Mossad would seek to coerce or even blackmail into cooperation.”
The Rabbi is aware that there will be resistance so he argues to “protect ourselves… we will fuse into the conscious and make “anti Semite” the most terrible word. The word “Jew” would be pronounced in a whisper.”
VT editor Jonas Alexis who has written extensively on global Zionism quotes the American journalist Joseph Sobran who became a persona non grata for writing “their power is unique in being off-limits to normal criticism even when it’s highly visible” … A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you.”
Many university professors and journalists have suffered the same fate, demonised labelled antisemitic and kicked out of their jobs like US professor Dr Kevin Barret and UK’s Dr David Miller founder of Spinwatch, an organisation which detailed how Jewish lobbies were funding Islamophobia.
Recently an award winning Journalist Laith Marouf, was also targeted by a special committee gathered in the US Congress of Zionist parliamentarians to question executives from Twitter, YouTube, Meta, and TikTok to explain how two accounts were still able to criticise Israel, Laith Marouf’s and Iran’s leader Ayatollah Khamenei. Prime Minister Trudeau a member of WEF and supporter of Israel also stepped in to call laith “vile” xenophobic and anti-Jewish.
As the Rabbi said our methods will not only be military, but also ideological “We will deprive your society of young people, corrupting it with sex, rock, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, …. we will hit the family by destroying it, we will reduce childbearing.”
By “reduce childbearing” one can assume the Rabbi means de- population the same agenda advocated by WEF whose key advisor Israeli Yuval Harari has said that the elites need to get rid of “useless eaters” and “vast majority of the world,” which may explain why WHO enforced untested vaccines on the world’s population leading to untold deaths, disabilities and reduced fertility.
According to the Rabbi, Hitler was “a stupid boy… He left bloody traces. We are acting more cunningly: we will have no traces. To reduce childbearing …. no need for stoves, bullets, graves. And there's no trace. Not born. There are no culprits.”
Lastly the Rabbi gives a chilling description of the world we are living in where fear dominates, where law enforcement is weak, streets are dangerous: “Let us sow fear among the people…. fear for a workplace that can be taken away… Fear and we will rule.” To create this fear, he advocates “we will release criminals from prisons so that there are more murders, robberies, and instability. The amnesty will apply only to thieves and murderers, in short, all, except for those convicted under the article for "inciting ethnic hatred", which now replaces the law on anti-Semitism.”
As the world waits on the threshold of a nuclear war, “in times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act,” even if it is at the risk of being demonised and relegated to the island of conspiracy theorists.