See also

After the results of the first round were announced, Marine Le Pen spoke to her supporters and said that today's elections had been historical.

France has withdrawn an invitation to the oncoming naval exhibition «Euronaval»from the Polish delegation. In this way Paris responded to the...

The double standards of the French presidential candidate from the Republican Party.

According to French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, Russia could play a constructive role in the Syrian settlement. “Russia can play a...

The world’s leading source of climate data America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has published a sensational but false...

Egypt and France on Sunday began joint military exercises off the coast of Egypt's coastal city of Alexandria. In a statement, the Egyptian military...

Roland Dumas, born in 1922, belongs to the last generation of great French Statesman who experienced the French – German war that prompted the...

I remember, when I was in the army and on leave in Paris, and I carried in my winter coat, a copy of Ilya Ehrenburg’s THE FALL OF PARIS. Those were...

According to the results of the primaries of the center-right coalition François Fillon has passed in the second round, which will be held in...

Former Prime Minister of France, presidential candidate Francois Fillon has criticized Western countries for conducting the aggressive policy towards...

Former French President Jacques Chirac, 83, was admitted to hospital Sunday with a lung infection, his son-in-law said. Chirac, who led France from...

France's defeat against Germany in the Franco-Prussian War, or Franco-German War, of the early 1870s provided stark evidence of the country's...

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