Jack Turner

Author publications

Title Datesort ascending Language
A Sombra da Guerra sobre a Albânia 15.05.2024 Portuguese, Brazil
L’ombra della guerra sull’Albania 07.05.2024 Italian
The Shadow of War over Albania 29.04.2024 English
Il Mujahedin-e Khalq sulla via del ritorno all'FTO 10.07.2022 Italian
The Mujahedin-e Khalq on the way back to FTO 09.07.2022 English
Il raduno annuale dei Mujahedin-e Khalq 24.06.2022 Italian
The Annual Gathering of the Mujahedin-e Khalq 23.06.2022 English
La doppia morale italiana contro il terrorismo dei Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) 12.01.2022 Italian
The Italian double standard against the terrorism of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) 04.01.2022 English
Tribunali fittizi: la relazione illegittima tra il MEK e l'Occidente 29.11.2021 Italian
Fictitious Courts: The Illegitimate Relation of MEK and West 24.11.2021 English
A glance at the crimes of the MEK in killing the Kurds 15.09.2021 English
L'incubo americano della separazione dall'Afghanistan: il prossimo sarà il Mujahedin-e Khalq? 02.09.2021 Italian
American Nightmare of Separation from Afghanistan: Is the Mujahedin-e Khalq the Next? 30.08.2021 English
The case of the Iranian diplomat and the bomb puzzle 12.06.2021 English
Newly discovered facets of Iranian diplomat Asadollah Asadi’s court case 04.06.2021 English
Mohammad Rajavi: vittima della dittatura del MEK 15.04.2021 Italian
Mohammad Rajavi: Victim of MEK Dictatorship 10.04.2021 English
In Iran si tiene un processo per i Mojahedin-e Khalq 10.03.2021 Italian
Holding a trial for the Mojahedin Khalq in Iran 09.03.2021 English
Le operazioni false flag durante i colloqui Iran-USA puzzano di Israele 30.12.2020 Italian
False Flags in the meantime of Iran-USA talks have Israeli Smell 30.12.2020 English
Brainwashing members to achieve organizational goals 15.12.2020 English
The History of MEK in scenario writing and lying 27.11.2020 English
Untold Stories in the Case of a Detained Iranian Diplomat 16.11.2020 English
