The Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), initially formed as a revolutionary group with the goal of combating the Pahlavi regime and establishing social justice...
Government forces took control of the old city of Aleppo after long fights.
Earlier, the Syrian government has advised the people to leave the city...
Tuesday, Dec. 12 talks were held in Moscow between foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and the head of Libya’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Siala...
At the latter end of August 1914, in the face of German Army victories and advances, the Franco-British forces were in retreat all along the front...
Terrorists' strongholds in seven different regions in Northern Hama came under 75 air raids by the Russian and Syrian fighter jets on Friday.
Jihadists have attacked a military post in northern Burkina Faso, during which at least 11 soldiers were killed. In addition, terrorists have caused...
In the Reuters article in the section “Business” from a few days ago, Americans (and Reuters) admitted they consider that war is a business. Reuters...
Regardless of who is in charge in the US, Russia must take back what belongs to her, or at least what belongs to the Russian World: Novorossiya,...
The US military has admitted its airstrikes in Syria over the past several days "may have resulted in civilian casualties."
The military's Central...
The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that Washington hasn’t yet provided any information that allows for pinpointing the coordinates of Jabhat al-...
Clearly, the Serbian Army is unique in modern military history
The founding father of India Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi said, “An eye for an eye will make the world go blind”, a quote that is still trying to find...