It’s very fashionable nowadays for people to criticize the Kremlin for incompetency, and its recent history of controversial decisions coupled with...
85% of Aleppo has now been liberated since last night. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has stated his desire to visit Aleppo.
First of all we have to accept that Russia is leading today an alliance, which consists of countries and forces that are fighting terrorism in Syria...
The war taking place today in Syria is, perhaps, a new kind of war in terms of the means used, its scope, and the type and huge number of parties...
Planners of the war on Syria are surely wearing a “macabre smile” on their faces as they see their ruse achieve the desired outcome.
As expected, the...
On 22 July, the Chinese press reported that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is carrying out ten days of manoeuvres in the waters off the eastern...
December 18th, 2010, is considered to be start of the dramatic events in the Middle East, known as the Arab Spring. The day before, in the Tunisian...
Russia's decision to intervene with in Syria, including with tactical air support, to the legally elected government of Bashar al-Assad, is based on...
A document produced last December by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, headed: “ UK Humanitarian Aid in Response to The Syria Conflict”, makes...
With hybrid tribunals, the danger is that the multitude, being a collective image of a judiciary instance, would not act in interests of nations and...
Short resume for still unfinished conflict
There is no formal "no fly" zone in Syria because that requires:
a) "grounding" the targeted air force by bombing their on-the-ground positions (...