In the world of international affairs, there are no permanent allies or adversaries; rather, only interests are paramount. This guideline is followed...
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) President-elect Volkan Bozkir has termed Pakistan’s strategy against Covid-19, a “good example” for the world...
Public riots in Pakistan administrative Azad-Kashmir on 11 May 2024 is second political upheaval after 9th May 2023 where masses resisted violently...
Relations between Nations are as complicated as between individual’s person to person relations between important state players can and does affect...
Three Pakistani soldiers were killed in an ambush in the northwestern city of Peshawar on Sunday, militants said, in an attack for which both ISIS...
For over two decades, Pakistan has been embroiled in a battle against groups that cloak their violent actions in religious rhetoric. Among the most...
The influential Indian online opinion outlet Daily O is reviving the old narrative that the Khalistani cause is supposedly backed by Pakistan and...
Pakistan is a peace loving country and its foreign policy seeks to promote the internationally recognized norms of interstate relations that include...
Officially it is not confirmed by Chinese government, but according to the Pentagon’s newly released report on trends and developments on China’s...
“While every news-outlet in Pakistan fell into the trap of Avi Scharf’s propaganda against Pakistan, Israeli PM Natenyahu paid a secret...
Indian Prime Minister Modi-led BJP government has approved the construction of seven hydropower dams in the Kishtwar region including projects in...
As we are speaking about the media, which is a set of instruments that is related to the formation of a narrative and a message that is then sent to...