Two decades ago on 7 October 2001 the United States, backed by its close allies Britain, Canada and Australia, began a military invasion of...
Imagine for a moment if Hollywood, the mainstream media and the three-letter federal agencies spent as much time and cash in the war against...
Mid-April saw high-level, intense meetings between India and US - as PM Modi and President Biden announced a surprise virtual summit to take place...
Lesson 1: You can’t put your“capital” on someone else’s territory.
The most important aspect of the Theory of the Multipolar World (TMW) is the concept of counter-hegemony as first formulated in the context of the...
Russia has begun the food embargo against Ukraine and has canceled the free trade zone with the country. Also, the visa-free regime with Turkey has...
Joint Russia-Indian military exercise “INDRA Navy-2015” started December 7th, 2015. It is the second part of traditional Russia-India military drills...
The National Liberation Movement in Russia has only one goal that unites everyone regardless of their political views: the restoration of the...
On February 15-16th, Brussels will meet the representative of Montenegro and NATO to discuss the conditions for admittance into the North Atlantic...
Yes, Russia is occupied - not by foreign military forces, but by foreign companies and organisations, by international banks and by her own, domestic...
I read Dr. Andrey Kortunov's (RIAC Director General) speech to members of the strategic dialog organized by Emirates Policy Center, with the support ...
Tillerson: Steps Already Underway for US Removal of Assad. Says Assad Will Have ‘No Role’ in Syria in the Future