Kathmandu (Keshav Bhattarai): On November 23, 2024, with the support of the Russian House in Nepal, a conference by philosopher and political...
Today, the world stands at a crossroads—a dangerous yet transformative moment—marked by the collapse of traditional power structures and the...
Luis Felipe Moyano (1946-1996), better known as Nimrod de Rosario, was an Argentinian writer who deeply and extensively studied comparative religions...
Russia needs Novorossiya and Malorossiya - at least the part of Malorossiya that is east of the Dnepr river. These parts are not "ukrainian", they...
Vladimir Putin yesterday said that “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA,” and the St. Petersburg metro bombing must be...
Russian Eurasianism, whose centenary we celebrated in 2021, is a complex phenomenon that can only be fully understood if we carefully consider the...
US National Security Adviser Herbert McMaster unexpectedly praised the outcome of the talks between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President...
The Kurds are an Indo-European people who, from a certain point in time, began to play an important role in the area encompassing eastern Anatolia...
The speaker of the Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, may have created the defining acronym for the emerging multipolar world: “the new G8”.
As Volodin noted...
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday called for deepening military-civilian integration, while highlighting sci-tech innovation as the key to...
“They make their plans and weave their strategies. But also God does it. God is the Lord of strategies.”
Iran is going to buy Russian weapons of various kinds, among which there are T-90 battle tanks, artillery systems, aircraft and helicopters. In total...