The Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), initially formed as a revolutionary group with the goal of combating the Pahlavi regime and establishing social justice...
The United States supplies virtually all of the weapons and ammunition as well as satellite intelligence to guide the bombers and the gunmen, and...
Negotiations on the cessation of hostilities continued with the opposition’s warlords in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo, Hama and Quneitra. This was...
The newspaper "Izvestia", citing a source in the Russian foreign policy circles voiced the possible options for responding to an attempt of Ukrainian...
Russia needs Novorossiya and Malorossiya - at least the part of Malorossiya that is east of the Dnepr river. These parts are not "ukrainian", they...
The meeting of the European Council on international events scheduled for November 28th will be held in Madrid.
Russian Ground Forces Commander General Oleg Salyukov stated that Moscow plans to form the divisions in the western and central regions of the...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin have held telephone talks for the second time in three days.
They are...
Israeli forces detained a total of 23 Palestinians, including a woman, during overnight raids into multiple West Bank districts, said Palestine...
American Professor/ Sr. Geopolitical Analyst
This analysis is a critique of the Zalmay Khalilzad's article that appeared in the Politico Magazine....
America must accept …
… the fact that after more than twenty years, Russia has returned as an historical force. It is a matter of political realism...
Russian President Vladimir Putin has participated in the launching ceremony of gas supply to the Crimea from mainland Russia
Putin said: “It is...