For over two decades, Pakistan has been embroiled in a battle against groups that cloak their violent actions in religious rhetoric. Among the most...
'“Carl Schmitt Today: Terrorism, 'Just' War, and the State of Emergency” was originally written by Alain de Benoist in 2007 and translated into...
American Professor/ Sr. Geopolitical Analyst
This analysis is a critique of the Zalmay Khalilzad's article that appeared in the Politico Magazine....
At the very moment when people around the world, especially Muslims, are launching campaigns to boycott Israeli products, hypocritical politicians...
"BRICS is a dialogue of cultures," while the West is still outside BRICS because it insists that there are no cultures and civilizations other than...
With NATO withdrawal imminent, Pakistan and Afghanistan are caught up in a 22-catch situation. The forever war, famously known as, ‘the war of Terror...
Since 1990, every year on the 5th of February is observed as Kashmir Day or Kashmir Solidarity Day. This Day is officially observed in Pakistan to...
In the Siliguri Corridor, also known as the Chicken's neck, Chinese and Indian military forces sit on the respective sides of their vague borders and...
Islamophobia in India at its peak since the arrival of Narendra Modi in the power corridors of India. After Modi’s arrival as PM of India and rise in...
The Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK), a controversial Iranian opposition group, has long been entangled in complex geopolitical games, often positioning...
The session’s theme is The Parliamentary Dimension of BRICS: Prospects for Strengthening Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation.
The most likely successor of al-Baghdadi would be al-Obaidi. Both al-Jumaili and al-Obaidi had previously served as security officers in Iraq’s...