To find the way to those who want to hear the truth

Speech on Global forum on Multipolarity. April 29, 2023.

The collapse of the Soviet Union changed the international balance of power. The bipolar world was replaced with a unipolar world, which affected the mass media, with liberalism coming afore and letting the liberal media dominate in the global news agenda.

But several years ago, the situation began to change. The world has become multipolar, many countries have chosen their own way to develop the media. A new Cold War has broken out, whereas the old confrontation between capitalism and socialism has been replaced by debates or, in some places, real battles between champions of the liberal economic course and supporters of people-centered state domestic policy.

And now our main task is to force out the deceitful mainstream liberal media and find a way to share truthful information with the countries of the so-called golden billion, telling them about the diversity of the world and the dynamic development of other centers of gravity.

An ideological split has happened to Europe, which has also impacted the media. Most Russian media have been blocked in many countries, not only unfriendly ones. The Russian mega-projects worth many billions failed to rearrange themselves in time in spite of numerous warnings. Unfortunately, they do not play any significant role as foreign news outlets in Europe. They simply no longer exist.

In order to find supporters of a multipolar world in Europe, we have to set up new media outlets, to join internal European groups in social media and other resources. We may start with the support of media, launched by Russian compatriots.

We have to learn working together with those who sympathize with Russia, thus supporting a multipolar world. With those who are not our compatriots but who love Russia and ready to tell the truth about it in the other countries’ social media and public pages.

There really are a lot of people who are ready to hear the truth, you just have to find the way to them. Walk and ye shall reach.

Thank you for your attention!