Pilots involved in the shoot-down of the Russian Su-24 have been arrested


Two pilots who participated directly in the shoot-down of the Russian bomber in November 2015 on the Turkish-Syrian border were arrested in Turkey. This is reported by the world's news agencies. The military was involved in the coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016.

Gulen’s Network

Already hot on the heels of the November incident, which brought Russia and Turkey to the brink of a live war, analysts from Katehon wrote that the behind the shoot-down of the aircraft is a network working for the CIA's cleric Fetullah Gulen. The aim of this provocation was to embroil Russia and Turkey at the very moment when a number of issues had converged.
Recent events in Turkey have confirmed the existence of the Gülen network in the armed forces of the country. This pro-American "parallel state" has been able to not only to effectuate a provocation to the shoot-down of the aircraft, but also were able to pull off a large-scale coup attempt in Turkey. Ankara's mayor, Ibrahim Melih Gokcek, after the events of the night of the July 15th,  announced on the 16th that the shoot-down of the Russian aircraft was a planned provocation, which was pulled off by the same people as the putsch.

A chance for reconciliation

Earlier, the Turkish prosecutor's office resumed the investigation into the murder of the Russian pilot Oleg Peshkov, who was shot in the air when he was ejected from the aircraft. Taken into custody in another case, the alleged murderer Alparslan Celik will testify in matters of the case. Thus, as a result of the elimination of the coup attempt, the last demand, which pushes Russia towards the full restoration of relations with Turkey, will be implemented - the punishment of those responsible for the death of the Russian pilot.