
'We need a winning country': Russia is going to radical changes


The elites have their backs to the wall: the special operation requires patriotic reforms now, immediately, but whether they will be implemented 'from above' or become a necessity due to the imminent collapse of the old system, it is impossible to say. After all, the 'wild 1990s' have not yet disappeared completely.

Peter Mamonov: When The Abyss Hums


During the pandemic, we began to lose famous people not one by one, as usual, but in whole blocks. Which is very sad. We do not have time to recover from one loss, as immediately the next. July was particularly troubling.

Ontology and anthropology of theater Lecture 1. Introduction to course


Whether a New Beginning of the theater is possible, is the Conservative Revolution is possible in the theater, is it possible to resacralize the theater, and return to its roots, is it possible to put this inappropriate actor back in the choir and return to the theater his fundamental ontology and anthropology that we have lost?