The Middle Corridor (MC) between China and Turkey via Central Asia, the Caspian Sea, and the South Caucasus has emerged as one of the most pivotal...
The Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK), a controversial Iranian opposition group, has long been entangled in complex geopolitical games, often positioning...
As a bit of a follow-up to last week’s piece about the plight of so many oppressed children in West Asia, especially in Gaza, I’d like to note that...
Saudi Arabia has arrested dozens of princes and former government ministers, including a well-known billionaire with extensive holdings in Western...
A Scholar’s Journey to His Ancestral Fatherland After a 31-Year Absentia: A Canvas of Personal Observations, Anecdotes, and Geopolitical Analysis
The situation in the Middle East is about to reach a new level of watch due to the approaching of the May 12 deadline when, if no different factors...
At the turn of the millennium, Irani’s President from 1997-2005, Mohammad Khatami, proposed the concept of dialogue of civilizations. Initially being...
We have to state with full regret that vile groups such as DAESH are the spawn of such ill-fated pairings with imported cultures. If the matter was...
Indicators and Causes of the "Record Low” Value of Iran's Currency.
The current minister of defense of Iran Hossein Dehghan has officially announced this decision.
His hair reflects his scruples, shaved like a wheat field after summer. Square head, pursed lips and blue eyes as deep as Lake Michigan where he...
Moscow said evidence presented by the United States alleging that Iran had supplied missiles to Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah fighters is not conclusive...