Press spokesman for Russian President Dmitri Peskov, announced on Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a letter of condolences to Iraqi...
There’s another Special Military Operation on the market. No, it’s not Russia “denazifying” and “demilitarizing” Ukraine – and, therefore, it’s no...
UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson has again accused Russia of prolonging the war in Syria and the deteriorating situation in the country, after which...
Early in the morning the ISIS has attacked the Iranian power plant, located in Iraq, Kirkuk Province. During the attack 16 people were killed: 4...
Daesh destroyed Mosul water pipeline
About 40% or 650,000 people in Mosul are in danger after Daesh (IS) destroyed its water pipeline and food is...
Iraqi government troops supported by various paramilitary volunteer forces have recaptured half of the city from ISIS, almost reaching the Tigris...
Sources «Katehon» in Syria report that there is verified data. 46 ISIS terrorists, specializing in sapper work, were transferred from the Iraqi Mosul...
I am invited to deliver a lecture concerning geopolitics of the Kurdish region, of Kurdish people, concerning Kurdish identity – how we understand it...
The Republican Party’s candidate for US President, Donald Trump, has called US President Barack Hussein Obama the founder of the ISIS terrorist...
Iraq's parliament demanded Monday that troops be sent to disputed areas in the north controlled by the Kurds since 2003 as the autonomous Kurdish...
Spain's parliament has approved sending additional troops to Iraq. 450 Spanish soldiers are going to train Iraqi soldiers, and 25 staff members of...
The Iraq Inquiry, also referred to as the Chilcot Inquiry after its chairman, Sir John Chilcot,is a British public inquiry into the nation's role in...