Christian elected as Lebanon’s President

Monday, 31 October, 2016 - 18:00

After more than two years of political crisis in Lebanon, Michel Naim, a Maronite and a long-time supporter of «Hezbollah» has become a new president.

Aoun said: «I have come from a long history of struggle full of sacrifices, especially in the military establishment. I hope that we will guarantee the stability that the Lebanese hope for».

The election of Michel Aoun means the defeat of radical Sunnis, as well as recognition of the intermediary role of Russia and Iran in the political processes of the region.

Moreover, the victory of the former Prime Minister Aoun is considered as a sign of the growing influence of Iran, Syria and Russia, and decreasing of Saudi Arabia, sponsoring anti-Syrian Lebanese parties. This fact once again confirms the imminent defeat of terrorists in Syria. However, the solution of the conflict in Yemen directly depends on the situation in Syria because these two military operations were initiated by two Saudis warring factions.

Mansour Hadi, the President of Yemen, as well as Michel Naim Aoun rejected a plan for the settlement proposed by the UN. UN Security Council meeting is scheduled today. Members of the Security Council will probably take into consideration all the latest events and will make an amendment (required by President Saleh and his supporters) about the elections, a new «road map» that would resolve most of the crises in the Middle East.

However, this situation will be extremely disadvantageous for Washington, which tries to take control over oil fields and major transportation hubs in the Middle East.

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