In the backdrop of US invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan has been embroiled in countering an insurgency in its tribal areas. The War on terrorism (WOT...
A two-day webinar was held on March 5th-6th, 2023 entitled "Terrorism: State and Non-State Sponsored Versions" by TerrorSpring Foundation. Here is a...
Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag is in Washington on a visit whose main purpose is resolving the issue of extraditing Gülen.
The Green Zone of Baghdad International Airport was a crime scene exactly two years ago. Although there should be a severe control in that area, it...
Exactly half a decade gone to the deadliest terrorist attack is Pakistan's history, yet pain and anguish hasn't lessened a bit.
16.12.14 was not...
A webinar was held on March 5th, 2023 entitled "Terrorism: State and Non-State Sponsored Versions" by TerrorSpring Foundation. Here is a summary of...
The Russian capital has already hosted three rounds of negotiations on this topic in the past couple of months, signaling that Moscow is very serious...
The multinational “Sea Shield ’17” naval exercises to be held in the Black Sea from February 1st-10th will be attended by seven NATO member states...
Several officials are aware of being nominated to key positions in the future administration of the White House.
Michael Pompeo, the U.S....
Former President Jimmy Carter, who had made history in 1979 by attaining the historic Camp David Agreement between Israel and Egypt, had condemned...
Different concepts and theories from a social and psychological perspective can explain the situation of the Mojahedin Khalq, but it seems that to...
Not long ago, with Israel's attack on the consulate of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria, we saw a flagrant violation of international laws by...