As has happened many times before in history, 2020 had a surprise in store for humanity – for several months, the tightly intertwined ecosystem of...
The Russian intervention in Ukraine was the result of a trap set by the West to force the Kremlin into choices that in Western plans should have led...
The ‘ploy’ may turn out possibly as counterproductive as that of trying to collapse the Russian economy through financial war. That was another...
Main factors in the development of global processes: results and prognoses
Hello Kris, thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to talk with us today. I know our readers would like to learn more about your...
There is a huge discontent with Angela Merkel´s migration politics in Germany. The majority of the German people refuses the fall of the borders and...
During the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century there's been a lot of propaganda by globalists and progressives against the very idea...
The analysis of motives for possible denunciation of the INF Treaty
Prologue: the Anatomy Lesson of Carl Schmitt and Robert Steuckers[1]
Without power, righteousness cannot flourish,
without righteousness, the world...
Andrew Korybko talks about the great battle for Europe
Kloblenz’s meeting was indeed a very important conversation. In all the speeches of all the leading Eurosceptics from different countries, one thing...
Being attacked from two sides simultaneously (terrorism and Russian threat) Europe has to decide what to do first: to counter terrorism or increasing...