See also

Many Christians in the West, like this fellow, are puzzled and dismayed by the muted response of Western leaders to the blasphemy during the Opening...

Following the year 2000 Syria became a high priority target for the United States and its allies relating to regime change. Diplomatic cables...

The anti-Islam sentiments are at its peak in the West despite the warning and protests from Muslim states and community. The major reason behind anti...

The Election Battle of 2016 is still raging in the United States but already many are beginning to discuss contingency plans for the possibility of a...

Sexual violence in Germany has skyrocketed since Angela Merkel allowed more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle...

Despite all of the bad things one could say of Hitler’s Germany during the Second World War (and there are plenty of “bad things” to be said!), it is...

The inauguration in Turin of the first house of dating with sex dolls is just the tip of the iceberg of a society now in disarray. In 1956, the...

The person and the individual: distinguishing the concepts    

In a somewhat unexpected turn of events, the possibility of US-Russia relations being restored or normalized has found its way to the center of...

To summarize the events of the past month as beneficial to Russia's geopolitical objectives would be a gross understatement. In fact, it was nothing...

Western democracies are hollowed out by universalist individualism such as racism and genderism because these corrupt the unique human person as the...

The recent flurry of writing on Russian politics, nationalism and Alexander Dugin shows the contemptible inability of western savants to apprehend...

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