See also

In the last days of July there were a couple of big news here in our poor Italy.   The first news is the extension of the coronavirus state of...

Of late, the EU appreciated Pakistan for passage of legislations related to human rights and continued Pakistan-EU engagements despite challenges of...

The Election Battle of 2016 is still raging in the United States but already many are beginning to discuss contingency plans for the possibility of a...

Sexual violence in Germany has skyrocketed since Angela Merkel allowed more than one million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle...

Despite all of the bad things one could say of Hitler’s Germany during the Second World War (and there are plenty of “bad things” to be said!), it is...

Professor Sean Gabb, lecturer, political activist and the author of nine historical novels about early years of the Byzantium Empire, explains how...

The inauguration in Turin of the first house of dating with sex dolls is just the tip of the iceberg of a society now in disarray. In 1956, the...

In a somewhat unexpected turn of events, the possibility of US-Russia relations being restored or normalized has found its way to the center of...

While US President Donald Trump was giving his speech to the CIA spooks at their HQ on Saturday, the other wing of CIA spooks was cheering the...

If the Yankeefication of the South is not yet complete, if there is a flicker of a memory of the better ways of the Old South still living in the...

The recent flurry of writing on Russian politics, nationalism and Alexander Dugin shows the contemptible inability of western savants to apprehend...

Britain is terminally ill but it is not quite dead yet. A sickening veneer of civilisation still masks the cowardice of our emasculated and dying...

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