The Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), initially formed as a revolutionary group with the goal of combating the Pahlavi regime and establishing social justice...
The conflict in Ukraine is still not over. In the West we are bombarded with information in favour of Ukraine and the Ukrainians. We forget that the...
Jihadists have attacked a military post in northern Burkina Faso, during which at least 11 soldiers were killed. In addition, terrorists have caused...
Regardless of who is in charge in the US, Russia must take back what belongs to her, or at least what belongs to the Russian World: Novorossiya,...
It is reported that during the riots that broke out last night in the French capital, 12 people were wounded, most of them - 8 people are law...
The founder of the resource "WikiLeaks" Julian Assange said that he had evidence linking the US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to...
The outcome of the Climate Change Conference in Paris will be known in another 10-12 days’ time, but there has been a takeaway already. For sure,...
The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that Washington hasn’t yet provided any information that allows for pinpointing the coordinates of Jabhat al-...
Syrian President Bashar Assad has accused the West of wanting to stop the advance of the Government army on ISIS terrorist groups.
Moreover, Assad...
A truck drove into a crowd of people who were celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. 84+ people were killed in a suicide...
Eight decades ago in the late summer of 1940 the Wehrmacht's generals, at Adolf Hitler's behest, were beginning preparations for a massive invasion...
19 people were arrested in Kosovo, presumably they were connecting with ISIS and were suspected in the preparation and financing of terrorist acts on...