This research deals with the issue of the hostility that the United States of America has towards Venezuela, and its repeated attempts to overthrow...
The Venezuelan government has called the first steps toward refinancing its foreign debt a resounding success after it released a public statement...
Representatives of Colombia and NATO have signed an agreement on the joint fight against organized crime and terrorism.
Representatives of Secretaría de Inteligencia (Argentine Secretariat of Intelligence) used physical force to neutralize Venezuelan Foreign Minister...
Venezuela is ready to host the 17th Non-Aligned Movement Summit which will take place in the island of Margarita from September 13 to 18.
With 120...
The new president of the Venezuelan National Assembly delivered his first address Thursday, beginning the year with sharp accusations against...
Nicolás Maduro has called his Brazilian counterpart Michel Temer as “hitman” (sicario). Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said that Michel Temer...
Thousands of supporters of the current president Maduro and the continuation of the course of the «Bolivarian Revolution» have gathered around the...
On the day of the planned opposition march in Venezuela millions of people across the country went out to the streets to support the government of...
Since 1878, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been an oil producer. Between 1929 and 1950, it was the largest exporter in the world market. In...
On September 14, 2024, the Venezuelan leadership held a live on air press conference, where it spoke about the failure of another coup attempt...