Manuel Miranda
Author publications
Title | Date | Language |
GOLPE DE ESTADO y MAGNICIDIO EN HAITI | 21.07.2021 | Spanish |
Juan Guaidó: Presidente “fraudulento” de Venezuela | 02.12.2019 | Spanish |
The peace, "bad business" for Colombia | 27.06.2019 | English |
The violence and instability in Colombia, suits the United States | 21.06.2019 | English |
The "3 good reasons" of Trump in England. | 07.06.2019 | English |
Balkanization of the Caribbean, collapse of Haiti and nationalism in the Dominican Republic | 31.05.2019 | English |
The Venezuelan "caucus" | 27.05.2019 | English |
The Dominican interference, in favor of Hillary Clinton | 22.05.2019 | English |
US Ambassador pushes aggressive LGBT agenda in the Caribbean | 07.03.2016 | English |