On Sunday 14th April the election for the Finnish parliament took place which brought interesting results from a geopolitical perspective.
Russia, Finland and NATO
During the last few years we have seen some big NATO military exercises at the Baltic sea area, and unfortunately Finland which is an unaligned country has taken part of these operations in leadership of our Secretary of Defence Jussi Niinistö.
Trying To Finn-ish Us Off?
During the Cold War, Finland tried to preserve its neutrality and balance its relationships with both the USSR and the states of Europe.
Eurasian Finland
On the 28th of January 2018, presidential elections will be held in Finland.
Europe at Crossroads - More EU or More Democracy
Let me start this presentation by quoting famous economist Dr. David Korten. He wrote in the beginning of 1990's as follows. "Capitalism has defeated communism.
Child Robbery in Finland
The case of Russian children Mira and Natascha Loginova in Finland, child robbery/child trade, torture