Mads Jacobsen

Master of Social Science in Development and International Relationst (Aalborg University, Denmark).

Author publications

Title Datesort ascending Language
Denmark boosts presence in the Arctic with new drones and radar systems 16.02.2021 English
The USA uses soft-power tactics on Greenland and Faroe Islands 25.07.2020 English
NATO membership could lead to breakup of Bosnia & Herzegovina 19.02.2020 English
North Stream 2, the EU & Multipolarity 27.11.2019 English
EU army might replace U.S. troops in Syria after withdrawal 29.10.2019 English
Trump to visit Denmark: Greenland and Arctic Question on the menu 08.08.2019 English
Will Danish soldiers be deployed to Syria and the Strait of Hormuz? 19.07.2019 English
Denmark: an Atlanticist pawn in the Arctic and the Baltic Sea? 28.05.2019 English
The American militarization of Greenland 14.05.2019 English
Election in Finland: No to NATO! 16.04.2019 English
Iceland, NATO and the prospect of neutrality. 13.03.2019 English
Denmark starts six-year plan to modernize military 08.03.2018 English
Sweden says no to NATO membership 16.09.2016 English
Will Atlanticist failure in Turkey trigger the creation of a mini-NATO in Northeastern Europe? 08.08.2016 English
La militarización del ártico para contrarrestar las reivindicaciones rusas 06.07.2016 Spanish
Militarization of the Arctic to counter Russian claims 05.07.2016 English
Dinamarca recorta en bienestar pero compra nuevos cazas de combate a EEUU 23.06.2016 Spanish
Denmark cuts welfare but buys new US fighter jets 22.06.2016 English
NATO's July Summit in Warsaw 16.06.2016 English
Suecia y la OTAN 09.06.2016 Spanish
Sweden and NATO 06.06.2016 English
La estrategia atlantista de los EEUU para llevar a Suecia y Finlandia a la OTAN 03.05.2016 Spanish
U.S. Atlanticist strategy to bring Sweden and Finland into NATO 02.05.2016 English
US Hegemony in Scandinavia 07.04.2016 English