One year ago, on the 5th of August 2019, India revoked Articles 370 and 35A of its constitution and annexed the internationally recognized disputed...
In the wake of 9/11, Pakistan lost its stature in the international comity of nation. The unfortunate scenarios at global and regional apparatus...
Kashmir was chosen to be the place to hold military exercises, with the aim of demonstrating the utility of Pakistani tanks, aircraft and other types...
It is a universal truth that enemies do less harm than the traitors because foreign elements cause direct but less damage than the ones who attack...
Threat to regional stability arising from the presence of Islamic State in Afghanistan as the reason for its renewed interest there. In this context...
As Modi eagerly awaits Trump’s visit to India, there is a tectonic shift taking place in Eurasia, the Indo Pacific alliance is coming of age. India,...
Since the foreign troops withdrawal from Afghanistan, a great power vacuum was created in the country which resulted in the Afghan Taliban taking...
The appointment of Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed as the new Director General (DG) of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) spy agency last week was an...
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has expressed his willingness to peace with India saying, “If India takes one step, Pakistan will take two steps...
Russia Pakistan relations have seen and uneven trajectory in last four decades. The Afghan war set the stage for an uneasy relationship when Pakistan...
God has made this entire biosphere astonishingly remarkable. It is the man who has the obligation to explore the delightfully created scenic beauties...
Pakistan is very significant due to its geo-strategic location in the region of South Asia which compels other states to expand their existing...