Luis Felipe Moyano (1946-1996), better known as Nimrod de Rosario, was an Argentinian writer who deeply and extensively studied comparative religions...
Dugin is a product of lived Russian history. Though born into a family of a Soviet military intelligence officer, he came of age during the period...
On October 10, in Passau a panel discussion about the future of Europe «Menschen in Europa» was held, in which NATO Secretary-General Jens...
The Kurds are an Indo-European people who, from a certain point in time, began to play an important role in the area encompassing eastern Anatolia...
America must accept …
… the fact that after more than twenty years, Russia has returned as an historical force. It is a matter of political realism...
- Could you describe in a few key words the essence and goals of your movement? Does it place itself in an existing sociopolitical-historical trend...
A trace of the coup and historical grievances.
We all know that the US wants to keep Afghanistan as the vassal country to encircle Russia and China and as it has already spoiled peace process...
I originally envisioned this article as a review of five semi-randomly selected books by esteemed Russian Professor Alexander Dugin. However, as my...
Russian Ground Forces Commander General Oleg Salyukov stated that Moscow plans to form the divisions in the western and central regions of the...
Multipolarity is a fact and not some falsifiable academic theory, especially by those who obsessively wish for a utopian unipolar hegemony of the USA...
Qatar is a sovereign country situated at the northeastern coastal Arabian Peninsula, sharing only land border with Saudi Arabia to its south. Despite...