The North of Italy supports Russia
The resolution prepared by the party, Lega Nord, which calls on sanctions against Russia to the lifted, and to recognize the status of Crimea is to be considered by the Regional Council of Liguria and the similar dociment will be transferred to the Regional Council of the Lombardy Regions of Italy. The spokesman of Lega Nord, Gianluca Savoini explains the reasons:
I hope that this resolution will pass in Lombardy region like in Veneto and in Liguria. Genoa, Venice and Milan are the most important big cities in the North of Italy. We want to say to Italy that sanctions against Russia are a shame. We think that EU is a slave to other interests, not for the citizens, but a slave of lobbyists, economic powers, and not for democracy, not for freedom.
Two years ago at the referendum in Simferopol, the people said that they want Crimea to be Russia. This is democracy. So Lega Nord wants to tell the Italian Government, to Renzi, that the sanctions against Russia are a shame. Really, a shame for us, for democracy, and for the commercial connection and friendship that during many years have united Italy with Russia. We want to stop these sanctions and tell the Italian government that the Crimea is Russia.
With Matteo Salvini, the chief of Lega Nord, we went to Crimea three months after the referendum; we remember the great day when we went to the Duma, and we met Naryshkin and all the deputies of the Duma that said to us: you are a friend of Russia. We think that the interest of Europe is to be near Moscow, not against Moscow. Russia is a friend of Europe. Russia battles against Islamic terrorism in Syria and we want to say to the world and to Europe that it is important to have Russia as our ally, not our foe. The foe is Islamic terrorism and the globalists.
We hope that the National Front of Marine le Pain in France and the Freedom Party in Austria, they can unite with us, with Lega Nord, to beat against the sanctions. We hope, all together the party of identity, of the real identity of Europe, wants to struggle against other forces, other lobbies and globalist powers, that wants to divide Russia from Europe.