**__Kathmandu (Keshav Bhattarai): On November 23, 2024, with the support of the ...
Kathmandu (Keshav Bhattarai): On November 23, 2024, with the support of the Russian House in Nepal, a conference by philosopher and political scientist Alexander Dugin was held at the Russian House in Kathmandu on the theme “Emerging Multipolarity: South Asian Context”.
There is crime/error in the core of liberal theory. It equates the ultramodern/postmodern set of values to western civilisation as whole. And the western civilisation as whole to the Civilisation. That is double racism.
Why double racism? Because it is tempo-centric racism against the western past (doomed to be cancelled) and at the same time spatial-centric racism against non-western civilizationS (judged to be not liberal, not progressive enough). So liberalism is double racism.
Two-tiers justice system is main feature of liberal democracy. By globalists it has become iron law.
First versions of it are in Popper’s Open society and its enemies. He suggests to make preventive repressions on all possible opponents of liberals.
The argument of Popper: let cancel those who can cancel us (liberals) once they get the power to do that. So let deny political and juridical rights to all those who don’t share liberal woke progressive values. Final conclusion: let kill all those who presumably can kill us.
Two-tiers justice system is clear symptom of all kinds of totalitarianism - communist, fascist and liberal. The difference is communism bases it on two antagonist classes theory. The nazism - on inequality of races. The liberalism on innate lie, hypocrisy and fraud.
The totalitarianism of communism and fascism is explicit and founded in respective theories. The totalitarianism of liberals is implicit and is based on lie. There is hidden dualism in it - the class of super rich and the race of progressives against the rest.
Where other political systems use violence liberals use lie … and violence.
The liberal moment has definitely ended. It is extremely important turning point in the history of ideas, in the world history. The liberalism claimed to be the end of history after demise of the Soviets. That was wrong. Welcome to post-liberal era. The States become all red.