Currently, the authorities and society, beyond the war, are mainly concerned with how to adapt to the new conditions. What is new about these...
Marked similarities exist between the international fear generated through the orientalist War on Terror and Covid-19. The first generated fear of...
Since the outbreak of Coronavirus late 2019 the internet is rife with questions regarding the origin of the virus, three scenarios could be a...
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday called for deepening military-civilian integration, while highlighting sci-tech innovation as the key to...
Kurt M. Campbell, an American diplomat, and political analyst declared Coronavirus pandemic a “Suez moment” for the United State as the Suez Canal...
In an exclusive interview with FNA, Leonid Savin said, “The Strait of Hormuz is a very narrow place… Any small incidents may lead to a domino effect...
The arriving Turkish officers to NATO headquarters in Europe are reported to be appointed to senior positions in the wake of the recent dismissal of...
During an official visit to Latin America, China’s leader Xi Jinping is going to visit Ecuador, Peru and Chile at the invitation of the heads of...
The repeated act of China lately is to pretend that it is a victim of the crime it didn’t do. In this case, the disparaging statement was that China...
The World War II ended after the United States' forces used mass-destruction weapons for the first time in the world history against two Asian cities...
As a Chinaman born in the United States, I find myself able to speak to both places and neither. By accidents of fortune, however – or of providence...
Forum dedicated to the Chinese initiative of Eurasian economical integration was held on May 14 and 15 in Beijing.