Brussels bureaucrats release ISIS leader "Mother Jihad"
Fatima Aberkan found guilty of directing a terrorist group and sentenced to 15 years in prison was set free in Brussels. It was due to bureaucratic mess in the court.
After almost half a year after the filing of the cassation appeal by the lawyer of Aberkan date of the hearing has not been scheduled. Thus because the highest court exceeded the reasonable terms of consideration of the petition the prosecutors supported the defender. Fatima Aberkan was known as "Mother Jihad" and aided organizers of terror attacks in Paris and Brussels.
Instead of jail a woman received a ban on travel from Belgium, the prohibition to enter the commune of Molenbeek, which is considered a hotbed of jihadism, and she was restricted the exit to the street at night.
It is worth noting that Abdel Kermish organizer of the brutal murder of a priest in France July 26, 2016 was at that time under the house arrest, because of his ties with ISIS. However, it did not prevent him from committing a terrorist act.