The State of Emptiness
Only one State in the world has been said to have gone from barbarism to decadence without knowing civilization, and this unenviable record belongs to the United States of America: a homeland without fathers, a non-place devoid of the natural transmission of values between generations characterized by only one law, that of the market.
The Calvinist ethic of the Pilgrim Fathers who colonized North America, based on rigor, moroseness and fanaticism determined the spirit of capitalism. For the Protestant Reformation, only the predestined are saved for eternal life, the chosen are those who through labor create wealth a sign of divine preference.
Starting from this aberrant doctrine, the perverse mentality of economic fortune at any cost, the exploitation of every natural resource and of the weakest, the triumph of selfishness as the characteristic sentiment of capitalism could only be formed. A nation founded on such disvalues could only become the outpost of decadence, the crucible of the most stupid and vulgar fashions, where culture is replaced by technology and the mind regresses to the childish level.
The narcissistic society of appearance where one must have everything and now, without sacrifice and without the true knowledge that is spiritual. Having deliberately destroyed traditions in order to conform the people to a single herd conditioned to compulsive consumption, the forces of subversion agitating the world from behind the scenes of History
have spread the mentality of triumphant capitalism.
Multiethnic society undoing the soulful folklore of peoples in a pathological mixture of customs and traditions weakens mental structures. Incompatible cultures and incomprehensible languages result in the impoverishment of inner life and the weakening of thought. The chronic violence of U.S. society with motiveless massacres, racial clashes, and delinquency infesting poorer neighborhoods provokes aggressive reactions as a defense
psychic from fear, triggering increasingly bloody social clashes.
The fear of the stranger is natural in the human psyche and occurs from the first months of life, induced by experiences of aggression related to separation from the mother. A collection of strangers, different and incompatible subjects triggers the violence, the cause of which is hypocritically attributed to the spread of weapons, inanimate objects devoid of will, while the real reason is in the mass mental disorder characteristic of multiracial society.
Family and tribal traditions generate harmony, while the depersonalized existence of the technological world of the homeless brings suffering and discomfort. A flat reality without purpose beyond accumulation, without dreams and ideas, and a life without spirituality are at the root of capitalist alienation. From the civilization of being to that of having to end up in the artificial world of appearance, pretense to impress others, other narcissists caught in the whirlpool of exhibitionism.
The final effect is the dissolution of the human into the bestial, the hybridization with the machine, the loss of the center whose terminal stage is represented by the Silicon Valley symbol of surveillance capitalism.
False American democracy, in reality autocracy of money, is exported by armed aggression, by wars of invasion, by the bombing of free peoples to bend them into subservience to the world gendarme. Never any war on its own territory, only occupation of other people's space, bribing with money local satraps who betray their people and then are left to its vengeance.
Noriega, Saddam, the leaders of the orange revolutions, of the Arab springs, useful idiots in the service of US imperialism, bought, exploited and then abandoned to a tragic fate.
The U.S. is not an empire, embodying no spiritual authority, not even bearers of civilization because of its laughable intellectual paucity, not even a forge of culture producing only soul-damaging fashions. Only creators of new markets and new slaves to exploit and the lowest human type in History: the consumer of junk food making them a people of the obese. Nurturing civilization is their only historical achievement, neither monuments nor works of art, neither legal codes nor pantheons of gods, only technique, money and low materiality.
The only true rogue State that perpetrated the genocide of Native Americans to rob them of their land, destroyed European cities with carpet bombing and dropped atomic bombs after the war was over.
At the end of World War II, the abbey of Monte Cassino founded by Benedict of Norcia in 529 was razed to the ground by 144 American bombers with great slaughter of civilians. This madness without warlike purpose was the result of the most total historical ignorance, contempt for art and civilization that gave birth to Western culture.
The most dangerous disease is spiritual infection, an unhealthy and corrupting lifestyle that has reduced world to a bank. People with cultures thousands of years old talk like Americans, dress like them, copy their lifestyle, betraying their origins and traditions.
When you conform to the worst you are worse than they are.
Translation by Costantino Ceoldo