See also

It is impossible to get away from the question of the consonance between Russia and Europe. Another stimulus for reflection on the construction of...

The RAND Corporation is setting new records in bias and partiality. The political planners from America are well aware of the need for the timely...

It is now established that the US dollar’s status as a global reserve currency is eroding. When corporate western media begins to attack the...


When the European Union as a political institution was established on 1 November 1993 with the Maastricht Treaty, following the already established...

The Chinese year of the Black Water Tiger started with a big bang – a live Beijing summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese...

A remarkable geopolitical shift has taken place in this part of the world as the traditional pattern of friends and adversaries is broken. India and...

President Trump’s brief inaugural speech was a declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment.  All of it. Trump made...

Ukraine has degenerated from a Russian/Soviet region into an American colony.

As we are speaking about the media, which is a set of instruments that is related to the formation of a narrative and a message that is then sent to...

When I think of General Valery Vasilevich Gerasimov (B. 1955- ), I also think of the great Soviet military theorist Georgii Samoilovich Isserson (...

Some hours before the Brussels terror attacks, on the other side of the Atlantic, a rather astonishing article was posted on the website of the ultra...

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