Children and Grace


Litlle Children are able to sense the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

This is why we notice in some saints that when they were children they didn’t much care for games, as their contemporaries did.

Rather, they stood out through their introversion and seriousness, something of the outlook of an Elder. This was the case in the life of Saint Athanasios the Athonite, and also in that of Elder Sophrony, who fell asleep in the Lord in 1993. When he was still in his infancy he was visited by the divine light, uncreated and immaterial.

Abundant life

‘I came that they might have life and have it abundantly’. Saint Gregory Palamas interprets ‘abundant life’ as the life of sanctity, our adoption by God through Grace.
Those who keep God’s commandments live the virtuous life in accordance with His commandments. They receive Divine Grace from Him and this becomes their inalienable possession. They acquire the divine predicates: love, wisdom, the uncreated light, ontological autonomy, and immortality.

All of this is nothing other than a life of sanctity.

Directly linked

We believe that the sole ray of hope and optimism concerning the doubtful quality of life of young people today can come only from heaven, from God. Because the Triune God, Who is revealed and lives in the Orthodox Church, is a personal God.
God establishes personal relations with each believer, in such a way, that every movement, act and activity –even thought– is directly linked to Him.