Mankind lives in a world of conflict. Conflict of interests, conflict of ideas, conflict of values, conflict of minds, which in general leads to...
Governments and military leaders have always sought to win fights and wars already in the minds and hearts of the enemy before on the battlefield....
Let us imagine that we, quite objectively, estimated the risks, and our analysis is correct. What should Russia do in such a situation? In levying...
The Caribbean Sea is commonly thought of as a “US lake” separating the two American continents, and it’s pretty much been under Washington’s...
The RAND Corporation recently published a document entitled Overextending and Unbalancing Russia. Assessing the Impact of Cost-Imposing Options.
А Critique of an American Theorist’s Failed Assessment of the Russian Army and its evolving Military Strategy. Part I.
Coptic Patriarch Pope Tavadros II, who was going to pay a visit to Greece and participating in the opening ceremony of the first Coptic church, has...
We will describe the ‘mechanics’ of US intervention in the domestic politics of these two countries and their profound external effects – that is how...
July 28th marks the 35th anniversary of the political assassination of two Puerto Rican independence activists, Carlos Soto Arrivi and Arnaldo Dario...
Yemeni army and national defense forces launched a new offensive against the invaders from the coalition, led by Saudi Arabia. The offensive began in...
This interview by Pavel Kiselev with history and geopolitics expert Alexander Bovdunov addresses the current reality of Eastern Europe. The book that...
The world is in the midst of a systemic transition from unipolarity to multipolarity, which has prompted many experts to think deeply about