Alastair Crooke

Alistair Crooke, (born 1950) is a British diplomat, the founder and director of the Conflicts Forum, an organisation that advocates for engagement between political Islam and the West. Previously he was a ranking figure in both British intelligence (MI6) and European Union diplomacy.

Crooke was a Middle East advisor to Javier Solana, High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union (CFSP) from 1997 to 2003,facilitated a number of de-escalations of violence and military withdrawals in the Palestinian Territories with Islamist movements from 2000 to 2003 and was involved in the diplomatic efforts in the Siege of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. 

Crooke studied at the University of St Andrews (1968–1972), from which he obtained an MA in Politics and Economics. His book Resistance: The Essence of the Islamist Revolution, provides background on what he calls the "Islamist Revolution" in the Middle East, helping to offer strategic insights into the origins and logic of Islamist groups which have adopted military resistance as a tactic, including Hamas and Hizbollah. Tracing the essence of the Islamist Revolution from its origins in Egypt, through Najaf, Lebanon, Iran and the Iranian Revolution up to the present day, unlocking some of the thorniest issues surrounding stability in the current Middle East landscape.

Author publications

Title Dateseřadit vzestupně Language
Può l’Occidente usare la guerra per fermare il suo declino e il passaggio a un nuovo ordine monetario globale? 15.04.2022 Italian
‘Through Ukraine’: Can the West Use the War to Stem Its Decline and the Shift to a New Global Monetary Order? 11.04.2022 English
Un’opportunità unica al mondo 05.04.2022 Italian
A Once in a Century Opportunity 04.04.2022 English
La geopolitica si trasforma in ogni momento 27.03.2022 Italian
Geo-Politics is Metamorphosing in Every Moment 26.03.2022 English
La potenziale catastrofe di percepire erroneamente la “guerra totale” come guerra tattica 23.03.2022 Italian
The Potential Catastrophe of Misperceiving ‘Total War’ as Tactical War 21.03.2022 English
Canceling Russian reserves boomerangs to a new international monetary system 20.03.2022 English
Il dominio dello spazio dell’informazione: quando la narrazione galleggia nella fantasia 24.02.2022 Italian
Dominating the Information Space: The Narrative Floats Into Fantasy 21.02.2022 English
Lavrov acabou de definir o futuro do oriente médio? 15.02.2022 Portuguese, Brazil
Le turbolenze continueranno fino a quando non emergerà un ordine globale modificato 11.02.2022 Italian
Turmoil Will Continue Until A Modified Global Order Emerges 08.02.2022 English
Visioni imperiali USA e UE a cascata 29.09.2021 Italian
Cascading US and EU Imperial Visions 22.09.2021 English
A 'Strategic Apocalypse' in Afghanistan: A Seismic Shift, Years in the Making 20.08.2021 English
We Daren’t Not Look into the Abyss 19.09.2020 English
Is Trump a ‘Covert Ally’ to the Multipolar Order? 26.11.2019 English
Italia, Unione Europea e la caduta dell'Impero Romano 07.12.2018 Italian
Italy, the EU, and the Fall of the Roman Empire 06.12.2018 English
Trump's 'Wars' Bed-In; 'Go Long' 17.07.2018 English
Steve Bannon et son Apocalypse 26.04.2017 French
