In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
Following the ouster of American forces from Afghanistan the...
President Trump’s brief inaugural speech was a declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment. All of it.
Trump made...
According to the report of the Anti-corruption Council of Serbia dated December 18th, 2015, “in Serbia the media are under powerful political...
Turkish historian and political scientist, former political prisoner in the case of "Ergenekon" Mehmet Perincek commented an unsuccessful coup...
Since NATO wars are always shady and cowardish pirates operations, with no real casus belli, NATO always needs some accompanying non-military tools...
On December 6th, the Washington Post informed 1 that 33-year-old Michael J. Flynn the son of one of Donald Trump's advisers on the national security...
The US Embassy in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, occupies a territory incomparably larger than other, similar areas of US embassies in other...
In political sciences it is common to divide war into Western and Eastern modes of warfare, and this also influences all kinds of informational...
The problem of free and “alternative” information is becoming more and more urgent in the Western world. The word “alternative” means nothing more...
The region of Xinjiang, located in north-western China, has in recent decades assumed ever greater significance for China, a country whose influence...
As we are speaking about the media, which is a set of instruments that is related to the formation of a narrative and a message that is then sent to...
13 people have been released from secret prisons of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), while there are five still known to be in the dungeons of...