The Quds Day in the Time of Zionist Insanity
After many decades of turning the blind eye to ruthlessness and inexplicable violence toward Palestinian people, from infants to elderly, committed by the terrorists of the zionist entity, who occupied the Holy Land of Palestine, the world came to the point when it had only two options: either to continue to be blind for everything which is happening in the Holy Land of Palestine or to, finally, react - stop, prosecute and bring to justice every single person from the Zionist entity or any of their proxies or aides from any part of the Globe. If there was not a network of zionist aides among other people, nations or countries, there would not be such a cabal in the occupied Palestine, which advances with its wrongdoings, every time when the world pretends it did something on the behalf of Palestinian people and on behalf of the State of Palestine.
Now, it is not enough that some individual countries or groups support Palestine. It happened so many times that those who support zionist entity, used the principle of human rights violations – whether it was true or not - to overthrow the governments, to bomb the countries, to kill people, to molest children. It also happened so many times that international law was violated on the pretext of protecting it. So many times, Western world, which pretends to prescribe universal values to the entire world, violated the UN Charter, international law, Human Rights Charter, UN SC or Assembly resolutions and always found the reason or justification for it deeds, or more precisely its evil deeds.
As technology and communication means advanced it is not possible any more to hide the evil deeds of the zionist entity, its officials, its (so-called) soldiers, its supporters, its illegal settlers. There are images of violence and evil toward Palestinians all over occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. This might be of interest of some or not – as it appeared that many UN members do not care a lot what happens there. But, when it comes to Jerusalem, the silence of so-called Christians or Muslims, is unreasonable. Is there some, at least protesting note regarding zionist entity evil deeds, from self proclaimed “Christian country” Poland – the home land of Benjamin Netanyahu? Or from California, the homeland of Naftali Bennett and his predecessors? What happened to support to Palestine by English Labourist Jeremy Corbyn? All those countries claim to be democratic, defending human rights, justice... And, at the same time, what about former German (and now EU) official Charles Michel, who said a while ago that the only role of contemporary Germany is to protect the “state of israel”? Who are those people? On whose behalf they operate? Why EU, UK and USA introduced the laws which forbid to even make some reasonable and well based critic on evidence and reality, of the zionist entity? Why all those countries of “developed and civilized West” and all their followers do not respect and obey international law and international law charters and documents? Are they above that law, which they introduced? Are they allowed to violate it without consequences? The reality shows, at least up to now, that they are above that law. The question is, why the rest of the world does not introduces sanctions to them, to limit their international freedoms, to call them on responsibility, as they call others?
The chronology of resolutions and documents by the highest international body, UN Security Council and UN General Assembly, as well as UNESCO’s may tell us many words. What is the missing parts is action. The same happens every time when the countries of the Globalists’ West conduct some wrongdoing. From Cuba to Afghanistan and from Venezuela to Serbia. If one counts the number of resolutions adopted by the UN highest bodies, one might think that zionist entity, commonly known as “israel”, would be stopped in its wrongdoings until now. From 1967 to 2016, UN Security Council adopted 15 resolution, UN General Assembly – 7 resolutions and UNESCO – 6 resolutions. Apart of those written documents as the evidence of some activity, there is nothing else. There are plenty of evidence that those adopted resolutions are, actually violated on a daily basis – but there was no any call on responsibility for the zionist entity.
On the other hand, there was completely illegal and illegitimate bombing of Yugoslavia (Serbia) in 1999 by NATO member states (and those is Serbia’s neighbourhood who would later become NATO members), without approval of any UN bodies, namely UN Security Council. Organized campaign to get consent was very successfully made to nazify Serbia instead of complete denazification of Germany. The same goes for zionist entity, commonly known as Israel, but only in the opposite direction – UN and its bodies consider they did their job by administrative and bureaucratic procedures, posing with resolution. This superficial non-activity also remind of unofficial documents, called non-papers which governments should have in mind, consider and working according to non-papers, while UN resolutions are neglected, forgot or even there is an aim to avoid them by non-papers – again, very fresh example of pressures on Serbia to forget UN SC resolution 1244 but to obey some delusional “non-papers”, coming from the West and its stooges, shows what really happens in reality and how Global West simply avoids its international law obligations.
There are many examples which openly show the UN crooked mirrors – Western countries do not act in accordance with the adopted documents (adopted by themselves among others), but those same Western countries demand other countries to obey some delusional “non-papers” which mostly serve to confirm the Western supremacy in the international bodies and to display Western particular interests as general and universal.
Another fresh example is JCPOA (Iranian Nuclear Accord). Many of the double standards may be observed on that particular example. The ‘circulus vitiosus’ of adopted document, not obeying the document by Western countries, lack of activities in accordance with the document, withdrawing from the Agreement, rejection of it by USA, the weakness of Western European countries to openly oppose the USA, blackmailing Iran, sanctioning Iran, demanding Iran to obey the document which the West does not obey; and then, the new circle of blackmailing Iran, which is expected to obey even a hint of good will (verbally only) of the Western world to continue the Agreement in the same or adjusted mode.
There are many more examples of how the UN’s highest bodies and other international law rules serve only as a smoke screen for the activities, which are exactly opposite to the documents adopted. Apart of wrong doings, when Serbia or Iran are in question, there is also lack of any doing, when Jerusalem is in question.
There are some philosophers who say that sometimes, it is more important that which absent than that which is present. In the case of Jerusalem, there are many resolutions, empty phrases in support of Palestine, which are present and there is loud absence of activities which has been continued since the illegal establishment of The zionist regime on the territory of another country and people.
The situation in today’s world shows that there is nothing that Western countries would do to stop the zionist’s entity misbehaviour. They are all ready to play games and act as if they were doing something for the benefit of the world, but then, it appears they are silent when zionist’s regime soldiers enter the Jerusalem churches or mosques heavily armed, when they are violent toward Palestinian children, when they destroy olive fields or when they demolish Palestinian houses in Jerusalem or in other parts of occupied Palestine. At the same time the West misuses international bodies in order to conduct military operations or blackmail or sanction countries because of “human rights violations”. This bunch of double standards is inevitably leading to total decline of the West in particular from the view point of core and fundamental values. And, when West fails and zionist entity’s stronghold are self-destructed by their own behaviour, doing or lack of doing, it will be more than clear whom Jerusalem belongs to. Not only so-called Eastern Jerusalem, but “complete and united” Jerusalem, the one which zionist entity, violating international law, declared its capital in 1980.
After that wrongdoing by zionist entity in 1980, UN Security Council reacted after 10 years by adopting one more resolution – in the mid time, encouraged by the passivity of countries and negligence of international law, zionists continued to violate it without consequences.
That is why The Quds Day launched by Islamic Republic of Iran about forty years ago, is an important and unavoidable day which should be continued throughout the year. And all the countries of the world should mark it and remember it, also throughout the year in order to support Palestine and its people in their just and courageous battle against the world evil, which has its face in zionist regime and its supporters. The right of Palestinian people and the State of Palestine are legitimate rights. The evil deeds by zionist entity have to be strongly condemned and prosecuted by the entire world. There are many civilized and non-violent ways which international law prescribes for those who break it. The increasing crimes committed by the the zionist regime against the State of Palestine, against its people and against Holy City of Jerusalem should be alarm to the world. It is now evident that the Palestine issue is not only the issue of Muslim countries, but the issue of the world community. Therefore it is essential and imperative to stand in solidarity and to display united voice and position in favor of justice, peace, security and stability in very sensitive and very important for the world, region of western Asia, which colonizers and neo colonizers like to call “The Middle/ Near East”.
Indifference and passivity is not an option. The normalization of ties with zionist regime and moving or opening any missions in Jerusalem is counterproductive and again, support and encouragement to the zionist regime to continue with demolitions of Palestinian houses, killing of Palestinian infants, testing new drugs on Palestinian prisoners, bringing illegal settlers to occupy the houses of Palestinians, expel all non-Jewish people from Jerusalem, laugh in the face of the entire world… until they finally demolish both Al Aqsa Mosque and Church of the Resurrection in the Old City of Jerusalem. Then, it will be too late.