Vice-president for wartime


The most likely candidate for the post of Vice-President of the Democratic Party will be Admiral James Stavridis. This was stated by Hillary Clinton - the only contender for the status of an official candidate of the Democratic Party. The formal decision will be taken on 25-28 of July in Philadelphia at the Democratic National Convention.

The candidate’s profile

From 2009 to 2013 Stavridis headed the European Command of the US Armed Forces and the Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe. He is currently the dean of the School of Diplomacy and Law at Fletcher Tufts University in Massachusetts.

Stavridis is known for his commitment to the concept of "smart power", based on balance and the simultaneous use of strategies and means of "hard" and "soft" power. The main idea of Stavridis is the promotion of American hegemony by using not only the traditional instruments of military pressure, but a combination of military power, the actions of non-state actors, and the interaction of private and public institutions.

Stavridis is a supporter of containment of Russia and China. He equates Russia and ISIS as threats to the United States. Stavridis is sure that the possibility of nuclear war with Russia is extremely high, blaming the escalation of tensions on the Russian government. At the same time, he calls for cooperation with Russia in a direction favorable to the United States, primarily in the fight against terrorism.

Alarming signal

The fact that the post of Vice-President of the Democrats is claimed by military personnel who do not rule out war with Russia is an alarming signal. This means that the globalist elite does not rule out such a development. At best, we will see a new Cold War.