Donald Trump’s election victory on 5 November 2024 has set many tongues a-wagging, including many belonging to Christians. There are those who are...
The 2020 U.S. presidential election was not actually a rejection of Trumpism, but a non-white attempt to reject the use of racist tools to win votes...
Nearly 30 years ago, Donald Trump was confident he would win the U.S. presidential election — as an independent in 1996, according to recently...
Despite years of insults and confrontation, left-wing Mexican president becomes friendlier with United States president Donald Trump. Time has taught...
The results of the mid-term US elections have confirmed the political line of Donald Trump and we can therefore say that the deplorables of Hillary "...
The aggressive attacks launched by the Democrats, although those were intended as a measure to discredit Donald Trump, will ultimately come back to...
Leo Tolstoy has rightly stated in his illustrious novel War and Peace that “The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.” ...
Modi’s first visit to the US after the inauguration of Trump administration has an uncomfortable background. On 2nd June, Trump invectively said that...
The second missile attack against Syria, by an increasingly de-civilized West, took place on April 13, about a week after Damascus was falsely...
The Trump administration has had a troubled life since its earliest beginnings and The Donald did not have time to settle in the White House that he...
This article is an attempt to connect the dots of Israel’s Geo-politics in the context of Trump’s deal of the century and Israel’s new policy of...
Hi everybody. As you may know, I’m an American who was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, although I made a life decision four years ago to...