Thomas Langan presents his exegesis study of Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology with a critical discourse of Heidegger’s epistemology and ontology. For...
“While journalist police try to replace engaged intellectuals, the hunt for the heretic, on the basis of absolute media consensus, has been...
A characteristic feature of Russian philosophy, according to some historians of Russian philosophy, is the ontologism of thought. The position of...
The 22 years of “genocide” in Srebrenica has been marked. A day that for Western Mainstream media is "the date of the greatest war crime in Europe...
The discourse of philosophy is old and has been controversial across various civilizations of the world. The word philosophy was the brainchild of...
Western liberal totalitarianism: friendly and subordinate fascism
The purpose of this article is to examine the figure of "the Antichrist" and the semantic field of "the end of times" without reference to any one...
The reason why I started to get interested in Russia three years ago was because I saw that there was a huge revival of Christianity, of Orthodox...
In modern conditions, countries around the world are trying to adapt to Western standards. No country is an exception to this rule. The nation is...
Hegel between left and Right
In some right-wing circles, what to say if you want identitarian or conservative, in the aftermath of each terrorist attack we witness the usual...
Traditionalist and Identitarian Notes on Jason Reza Jorjani’s Prometheus and Atlas (London: Arktos, 2016)