Iurie Rosca

Author publications

Title Datesắp xếp tăng dần Language
La guerra in Ucraina: la quinta colonna in Russia e il clan Rotschild 31.03.2022 Italian
The Velvet Opposition, Procrustean view, and volitional paralysis 29.03.2022 English
Opposition de velours, vision procustienne et paralysie volitive 28.03.2022 French
La guerra de liberación continental o la emancipación de los pueblos cautivos 24.03.2022 Spanish
Os Desafios da Guerra na Ucrânia: Uma Perspectiva Metafísica 24.03.2022 Portuguese, Brazil
La guerra in Ucraina: la quinta colonna in Russia e il clan Rothschild – Iurie Rosca 24.03.2022 Italian
The war of continental liberation or the liberation of captive nations 17.03.2022 English
Le sfide della guerra in Ucraina: una prospettiva metafisica 06.03.2022 Italian
Los desafíos de la guerra en Ucrania. Una perspectiva metafísica 05.03.2022 Spanish
The stakes of the war in Ukraine. A metaphysical perspective 05.03.2022 English
Les enjeux de la guerre en Ukraine. Une perspective métaphysique 05.03.2022 French
Las confesiones de un optimista cristiano. 16/11/2020. Una victoria Pírrica - Maia Sandu 18.11.2020 Spanish
Foro de Chisinau (Moldavia): Discurso introductorio 04.11.2019 Spanish
Chișinău Forum III: International conference “Beyond the Unipolar Moment – Perspectives on the Emerging Multipolar World” 23.09.2019 English
The Fourth Political Theory seen from Uruguay 30.08.2019 English
If Mr. Dugin is demonized by the ”Washington Post”, that means he's right 26.04.2019 English
Welcome to the family of future political prisoners, dear Manuel! 17.02.2019 English
Bienvenue dans la famille des futurs prisonniers politiques, cher Manuel! 17.02.2019 French
Un manuel de combat pour la guerre cognitive totale 16.02.2019 French
Vers l’unité continentale 16.02.2019 French
In Memoriam Ivan Blot 11.10.2018 French
The Movement – the gravedigger of globalism or The mission of American Steve Bannon in Europe 24.07.2018 English
The Romanian State – the tip of the spear of American imperialism 03.03.2018 English
Moldova – zone of geopolitical clashes or the golden bridge between East and West. 15.11.2017 English
Like the soviet regime created a religion, so does Western liberalism 10.11.2017 English
