Bobana M. Andjelkovic

Публикации автора

Title Dateсортировать по возрастанию Language
National Military in the Age of Global Bureaucracy 20.04.2020 English
Who is WHO? 09.04.2020 English
How Iran Brought Western Asia Back to World Geography 13.01.2020 English
Trump from the Swamp 25.12.2019 English
US’ False Flag Communication 22.06.2019 English
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars 06.02.2019 English
Syed Adil Gilani: Relations between Serbia and Pakistan will enter into new phase 14.08.2018 English
Make America Think (sometimes) 14.08.2018 English
Looney Tunes – Limited Edition with Real Characters 18.04.2018 English
Do Aliens Live in Limpopo or in Binomo? 19.03.2018 English
The Origin of Human Robots 26.07.2017 English
Cómo funciona la "demoncracia" 11.05.2017 Spanish
How Demoncracy Works 04.05.2017 English
The Importance of Language 13.04.2017 English
Soros’ Geopolitical Fashion Show 25.01.2017 English
Lumpen-proleteriat, so-called 'elite' 05.01.2017 English
El ‘divide y vencerás’ está de vuelta en casa 28.12.2016 Spanish
'Divide and Conquer' is Back Home 27.12.2016 English
Publicidad liberal para el Estado títere ucraniano 18.11.2016 Spanish
Liberal Advertising for the Ukrainian Puppet State 02.11.2016 English
To Whom Belong Serbian Assets in Kosovo and Metohija? 11.10.2016 English
¿Por qué no habrá acuerdo de paz con los EE.UU. sobre Siria? 23.09.2016 Spanish
Why Will There Be No Peace Agreement With the US on Syria? 21.09.2016 English
Un caballo de Troya balcánico es desatado, de nuevo 01.09.2016 Spanish
A Balkan Trojan Horse is unleashed, again 24.08.2016 English
