Traditional Britain and its national interests today


Exclusive interview with Gregory Lauder-Frost, Vice-President of the Traditional Britain Group - special for

- What is the main tack of the Traditional Britain Group? Is it a simple circle of critics of the modern world or does it have political or meta-political goals?

We are a traditional and ultra-conservative political pressure group opposed to a liberal-left government and seeks to find some of the old ways to move forward. Please see our aims and objectives here

- What does it mean to be British today from your point of view? And what is this Tradition that you serve? Is Britishness connected to simple citizenship or does it presume something else?

We support traditions in general, in all countries. We are naturally British orientated. For us, being British means you must naturally be Caucasian: ethnically European. It is obvious you cannot be African and be British.

- Historically Britain, after it acquired maritime hegemony, developed a geopolitical identity that opposed continental Europe. Do you think that today we are seeing the continuation of this struggle with the confrontation between the UK and the EU?

No. We have no navy to speak of today. We see the EU as the New Soviet Bloc. It will always be dominated by The Left.

- Traditionally, Britain was a geopolitical opponent of Germany and Russia. Has this changed today?

Only in the 20th century did the Liberals governing Britain change course and ally with France, our old enemy, and drop Germany, who was previously an old ally. This was in our opinion a grave error.

Russia was seen as a competitor when Britain had an empire. Russia's sponsorship of the Pan-Slav Movement leading up to The Great War was also viewed with some discontent here. It could be argued that their blank cheque to Serbia caused The Great War. Naturally Britain was opposed to the Soviet Union, as was just about everyone else in the free world. These things are today in the past. The TBG broadly supports post-communist Russia.

- There is a widespread theory of British conspiracy (financial hegemony of City of London etc.) between right and left circles throughout the world. Is this theory justified? What is the role of Britain in contemporary geopolitics from your point of view?

Conspiracy theories are very depressing. The City of London has been a financial hub for centuries. There is no evidence that Britain exercises influence over any other country through the City. The TBG supports an isolationist position for Britain. We realistically accept that we are not a great power and feel that our politicians should wake up to the fact that those days are over and that we are today just a small island with terrible internal problems.

- Is Britain a part of Europe or not? What is Europe?

Britain is a European island, just 25 miles from the French coast. Europe is a continent.

- What are Britain’s national interests today?

Good question. It might be argued that the liberal-left who govern us have no national interests whatsoever other than making money and balancing the account books.

Is it equal with the preservation of the old post-colonial system of states oriented towards Britain (the Commonwealth)?

This is a mythology some cling to. It will die off soon.

- A strategic partnership with the US?

Yes, the UK is essentially the US’ poodle, notably via NATO, which the TBG sees as a proxy of the US’ military arm.

- What about transnational interests of the City of London?

All money is trans-national.

- Seriously speaking, is it possible for Britain to leave the EU (Brexit)?


- What is the best way to coexist with continental Europe?

The same way we have co-existed for millennia. The same way all other countries across the world co-exist with each other.

- To be conservative means to be elitist…

Really? You are making a statement here. Conservatism is a modest ideology with core traditionalist outlooks.

- Are you confused with the fact that the European ruling class (British elite is not excluded) is doing its best to destroy the identities of their own countries?

The old aristocracies no longer rule Britain, or the continent. The 20th century changed that for the worse. Today, the economic liberals and socialists rule our countries and while the former's objectives are making money, the latter is quasi-communist. Both are opposed to the destruction of nationalism, albeit for different reasons.

- Is it possible to overcome this tendency?

Yes. In the case of several western European countries, including the UK, alien immigration must eventually force the native populations to revolt.

Gregory Lauder-Frost, Vice-President of Traditional Britain Group, is an established expert on history, international relations, genealogy, and is a certified public accountant - well known in traditional Tory circles. He is the former Chairman of the Conservative Monday Club’s influential Foreign Affairs Committee and was also the Club’s Political Secretary. He was Publications Editor and Secretary-General of the international Monarchist League; Vice-President of the old Western Goals Institute and founder of the Traditional Britain Group in 2001